
Core Technologies:

Everything's bigger in Texas

Visional supported Live Event Solutions for the third year in a row on Envestnet 2019 in Austin TX. This year, LES rolled out the big guns… a massive 110-foot wide, 15-foot tall projection screen that nearly filled the ballroom from side to side! The Screen Control power to push all those pixels came from one of Visional’s Christie Spyder X20 3216 Racks, set up to output a 7920 x 1080 five-projector blended main screen, and SEVEN confidence monitors with overlaid notes, clock, and timers. On the input side, Visional Production Graphics Racks and Ai Media Servers rolled full-screen PowerPoint and seamless video clips at 8K without breaking a sweat.

Connecting Everything

Holding it all together was the newest addition to our technology lineup, our UniFi Hybrid Show Networking Rack, which uses lightning-fast fiber optic cables to bring the entire production onto one seamless wired & wireless network. From the editors working on graphics, to video village, to front-of-house, the whole team had access to internet and file sharing, saving time and energy on those long production days.As always, Live Event Solutions was the perfect production partner, pulling off a massive show while making it look easy in the process. Check them out at